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OVERMIND (Fallen Drakon Empire Book 1) Page 2
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Only a select few government heads of major powers had ever seen these aliens, or even knew of their existence. It was the most closely guarded secret in the world. And yet with almost daily sightings of UFOs it was right in people’s faces.
Dr. Carter was a member of a secret rogue group that sought to overthrow the cabal of aliens and hybrid humans known as the `Deep State’. This secret global government ruled earth through their agents, who had been infiltrated into powerful positions in every major nation.
Numerous witness sightings over the last 50 years indicated that the alien bases were located underground. But where? UFO’s had been spotted flying out of the frozen wastes of Antarctica, out of the deepest seas and from volcanoes. But the entrances were cloaked, invisible. Zealously guarded. Dr. Carter was determined to find out this vital information.
The alien in Room #731 had been captured when his space plane crashed near Pyramid Lake in Nevada. A local cop had spotted the wreckage and called The Center. Carter had rushed over and found the unconscious alien in the cockpit, along with the dead copilot.
Carter had the alien loaded into an unmarked van along with the deceased copilot. Tractor trailers took the remains of the space plane to a secret location. Everything was hushed up.
The alien was being held incognito, without the knowledge of the US government and by extension, the Deep State.
Only a very select few including Dr. Carter and General McVeigh, knew the alien was at The Center. But that would not last long. The Deep State’s tentacles were so pervasive, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked and so feared, it was only a matter of time before the alien’s location leaked out.
Already a secret Arkon bulletin had gone out to their globalist agents that two pilots had gone missing. When word leaked out that one of the missing aliens was incarcerated at The Center, there would be hell to pay.
Carter was convinced that the fanatical Deep State planned, funded and provoked the never-ending wars that caused millions of deaths. He was determined to force the alien to reveal the location of their secret underground bases. This was the only way to expose the alien-dominated Deep State and save the world from wars that were becoming ever more destructive.
Right now Dr. Carter’s head was in a vice. A vice that was closing in on him from both sides. General McVeigh had warned him that the Deep State was closing in on where the captive alien was being held. Carter had to get the location of those secret alien bases tonight. Without fail.
It was essential to stay one step ahead of the Deep State’s agents. There could be no trail leading to The Center or Carter’s life would be over. Once Carter obtained that vital info, the alien would be put to sleep. Forever. His body incinerated.
The alien’s space plane was being reverse-engineered. From what they could tell, the alien pilot had been mapping earthquake fault lines for their underground mining operations.
If Carter’s actions were discovered, nothing would save him or General McVeigh from the fury of the Deep State. He would be suicided or caught in a fatal accident.
Thoughts churning, anxious to head Sorsha DeTaurica off at the pass, Carter hurried to get to Room #731 before the medtech. When she arrived he would just tell her she wasn’t needed. Even though he did need her assistance for the procedures he was planning. It was getting ever more difficult to get any response at all out of the alien.
The alien seemed to be shutting down both physically and mentally. More severe methods were necessary. General McVeigh could only cover up for so long.
Chapter 5
Dr. Carter barged into Room #731. One look told him he was too late. A connection had already been made between the alien and the medtech. But he could not be sure how deep it went.
“What are YOU doing here?!” He bellowed, directing a withering stare at Sorsha.
Even though Carter knew exactly why Sorsha was there, he wanted to put her on the defensive. Pressure her. Make her fear for her job, because this medtech would not want to participate in torture.
Rising to her full height Sorsha touched the name tag over her breast. “I am Sorsha DeTaurica substituting for Jillian Smith. This man was groaning for water. He’s dehydrated, hypothermic and his pulse is weak. He could go into cardiac arrest.”
Carter could not miss the reprimand in her voice.
“Who the hell do you think you are talking to DeTaurica?”
The doctor picked up a large hypodermic. Filled it with sodium pentothal. Flicked it.
“I am director of Humanoid Research with an Above Top Secret clearance. You do as I say or get out! Unless you want me to call security and have you imprisoned as a security risk. Is that what you want DeTaurica?”
“No.” Sorsha shook her head as extreme anxiety struck. Crawled up her spine, turning her body rigid.
“If you want to keep your job - Don’t ever question me. Understand?”
Thunderstruck, Sorsha stared at the irate doctor. Her feelings of compassion, her desire to help the prisoner had already blown up in her face. Now she was convinced the prisoner would soon expire under Carter’s harsh, neglectful treatment.
Dr. Carter is cruel. Sorsha’s mind churned with angry frustration. But Carter was her superior. Obviously his actions had the full support of the higher-ups at The Center. She forced herself to acquiesce. For now.
“Answer me DeTaurica!”
“Yes Dr. Carter. I will do as you say.” Sorsha bowed her head slightly, eyes lowered in deference. But what he’s doing to this man is a crime!
As the doctor spoke, the alien’s piercing golden eyes flickered over his tormentor. In his view Carter was half a man. Geeky, shoulders slumped, paunchy, the doctor was the type the Arkons used as tools.
Carter had never come close to realizing his full physical potential. A sin in Arkon eyes. The doctor lived solely in his head. But the Arkons wanted it that way - keep the human herd weak. Easier to control and cull.
Above all the humans must never learn to access their innate psychic powers. The inborn human ability to connect with the power of the Force. Deep State agents in science and academia, in the mass media and Hollywood constantly pushed the meme that there is no `God’. No Immortal Soul. No Overmind.
The alien had picked Dr. Carter’s mind enough to know what he was - another Homo Sap fool who thought he could save the world. Carter belonged to a rogue cabal that plotted to destroy the Deep State. Carter’s cabal was desperately seeking the locations of secret Arkon underground bases.
Once the alien revealed that vital info, he knew Carter planned to kill him. But Sava had a lifetime of mental and physical conditioning to withstand torture and drugs. He would die first. In fact until Sorsha appeared he had been close to stopping his own heart.
Releasing a long shuddering sigh Sava closed his eyes, sinking into a self-imposed stasis state. He barely felt the needle go into his arm. His mind swirling, swimming. Going back, back …to a beautiful safe place.
He barely heard Dr. Carter’s frustrated demands – “Where did you come from? Where is your base? Who are you? Talk damn you! I gave you enough sodium pentothal to dope a horse!”
A horse? Aye horses...Beautiful horses. Sava remembered now... He was far far away from this sterile cold place of pain that reeked of alcohol and chemicals… He was free again, in a vast rolling green plain, a virtual sea of grass. He was riding…riding the most magnificent creature – a golden stallion.
His body felt so much in sync with this horse. The spirited, sensitive animal responded to his slightest shift in weight. Effortlessly. As if the golden horse could read his mind.
The fresh wind in his face, the glorious sense of freedom, the rhythm of the animal’s rocking canter. He was rocking in the bosom of the Great Mother.
A woman’s smile burst before the alien’s eyes. The words came to him – You think this is the sun you see – Nay this is my smile.
Her face stared down at him, floating before his eyes like a silver moon in a deep black sky
surrounding by twinkling stars. You think this is the moon you see? Nay - this is my pale face.
And then it began to rain. He felt water splashing on his face. Looking up he saw her eyes, blue-green like the sea and glistening with compassion. You think this is rain on your face? Nay these are my tears. For you.
He barely felt the bands closing around his head, the rubber grip thrust between his lips.
“You won’t talk?! – Then you will feel! Light him up.”
Terrifying jagged bolts of electricity shot through his brain like exploding bullets, his entire body convulsing, spasming.
“Again! Do it!” Carter commanded.
“It’s too much current. He could go into cardiac arrest!”
“I know what I’m doing! Light him up. This is a matter of national security!”
Chapter 6
“Where is your base? Where do you fly out of? Answer me!” Carter demanded of the alien.
But Sava was far far away now, riding his majestic golden stallion. And someone was riding beside him – a girl on a beautiful buckskin. She was laughing as they raced, galloping across the billowing sea of grass as if borne on the wings of eagles.
“Again! Light him up!”
“But Dr. Carter - his pulse is weak, irregular. Another shock and the patient could have an acute myocardial infarction!”
“You won’t follow orders? Then get out! I’ll do it myself.” Carter reached for the shock button.
Sava and the smiling girl who rode alongside him had come to a dust-churning halt. The horses stood on the edge of a high cliff. Below was a vast rolling blue sea. A bright sunny wind blew the waves into choppy whitecaps.
It was long long ago, ancient days when they had gazed out over the sparkling blue waters. It dawned on Sava that this was one of the happiest moments he had ever known.
“Come here Sorsha.” Reaching across he pulled her slender body off her horse and slid her across onto his lap as he sat astride the big stallion.
Sitting sideways she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, her lips soft, warm and oh so giving…And Sava wanted always to remember this moment.
He made a vow from the bottom of his soul - I will NOT forget. This time I will REMEMBER...
At those fateful words, the sound of the waves rushing to shore morphed into an evil hissing sound, as if from writhing black serpents. The bright air turned dark. The sparkling blue sea disappeared.
Sorsha’s radiant face faded away.
Darkness descended, closing his eyes.
Now he was subsumed by terror. Poisonous serpents were swarming, slithering over his body. His heart was pounding but its rhythm was increasingly weak, irregular. And the alien knew - this lifetime was about to end.
“Answer me - Where is your base of operations?!” A voice demanded.
Rising above himself, Sava looked down on the small white room where a body lay on the steel examination table. The entity on it was convulsing, jaw gaping rigidly.
Do something. Save yourself! A Voice urged.
But he was completely powerless. So weak he could not move a muscle except when the electric shocks convulsed his body.
You are not without power. Use your mind. The Voice commanded. The medtech feels compassion for you. Inspire her.
Aye he could do that. By revealing her true self, Sorsha had opened a channel to him in her mind, making her susceptible. He transferred his pain, fear and suffering into the mind of the horrified medtech.
Suddenly the compassionate being in Sorsha’s heart rose in rebellion. This is not national security - this is just torture!
“The patient is going into cardiac arrest. We have to stabilize his heart!” She protested.
“Alright DeTaurica go into the storage room and get the diltiazem.” Carter was disgusted, frustrated.
Sorsha ran into the storage room. Fumbling through the shelves she found what she was desperately looking for - ketamine, a powerful sedative. After loading her hypo with the ketamine she called out -
“Doctor - where is the diltiazem? I’ve never been in here before. I can’t find it.”
“Dammit!” Carter huffed. Leaving the alien, he stomped into the storage room. “I knew I should have kicked you out.”
Turning his back to Sorsha, he reached up to a high shelf for the drug. At that moment she jammed the syringe into his neck. Pushing her aside, Carter leapt back. Too late.
“You stupid BITCH!” He slapped her across the face. Hard.
She staggered backward, knocking into shelves full of drugs, bottles and packages crashing down around her.
“You’re going to jail for this DeTaurica! Don’t you understand - that is no human being out there - That is a dangerous alien! Don’t let him get away!” Carter gasped, then collapsed.
Chapter 7
So he IS an alien. Am I doing the right thing? Along with reality, doubt came crashing in on Sorsha. But for some reason she felt a deep bond with this suffering being. To the point that she was willing to risk her job, even her life.
Time was of the essence. Moving in hyper drive Sorsha grabbed a towel. Taking care to keep out of camera range, she pulled a chair over to the camera up on the wall in the lab, then flung the towel over it.
Grabbing another syringe she loaded it with diltiazem and rushed to the rigidly spasmodic body on the stretcher. After tense moments alien’s heart stabilized. His ragged respiration deepened.
However moment Sorsha paused to take a relieved breath, the gravity of her situation slammed home. She stared at the closed storage room door where Dr. Carter lay. Not only will I lose my job, I could go to prison for assault and for betraying my country. O God - what should I do?! Where can I go?! Think. THINK.
Her mind erupted, thoughts swirling into full blown panic. I’ve got to get the hell out of this insane nut house!
But she had nowhere to go. Nowhere to hide that the authorities would not find her. With great force of will Sorsha pulled herself together. Checked the alien’s pulse. Though unusually slow, the beat was stronger, more regular now.
The alien knew his only hope of escape lay with the medtech. Her telepathic outpouring when he asked - Who are You? - had enlightened him as to her strengths and vulnerabilities. The human female is lonely and looking for love. I can take care of that.
Knowing she was highly susceptible to his enhanced endorphins. He could feign a romantic interest in her, then leave her when she was no longer useful. He didn’t like to betray the female’s trust, but it was a matter of life or death. His death.
`Homo Saps’ as the Arkons referred to the naive, easily influenced humans, were more plentiful than vermin. Far too many running around, polluting the earth. Easily replaced. Her loss would not even be a ripple in the teeming tides of humanity.
The alien’s golden eyes narrowed, glimmering with ruthless determination. But he was careful not to let her see his true intentions. He would intoxicate her brain with his enhanced pheromones. Captivate her mind and body. She will do my will.
Exhaling a waft of mind-drugging endorphins he spoke to her telepathically - Relax. With your help I can get us out of here. His hypnotic mental Voice caressed Sorsha’s mind. Reassured her fears. Alleviated her panic.
The alien would not need to coerce the female to help him escape. She would do anything and everything he commanded. Already she had destroyed her whole career, her whole life in order to help him. All the while thinking it was her own idea.
mind control via subliminal suggestion was an innate Arkon ability. He could put obsessive thoughts in her head. Incessant thoughts that would keep pounding around in her brain, compelling her to take action. Poor naive little Homo Sap.
Unbind me. His resonant, compelling Voice commanded.
Instantly Sorsha hustled to unbuckle the straps that bound the alien to the table. But even as she obeyed his subliminal command she could not repress a strong foreboding - Carter warned me against letting the alien go...but he was suffering. He w
ould have died. How could I just stand by and watch him be tortured like that?
Yet she sensed there was more to this strange being than an innocent victim. One look into his perceptive golden eyes told her there was a higher consciousness at work there. An unknown entity.
With a pained groan, Sava forced himself to sit up. Swung his feet over the table. For a few moments he sat poised on the table, gathering strength, assessing his situation.
Chapter 8
Taking a deep shuddering breath, the Arkon gazed into Sorsha’s sea green eyes. Though not classically beautiful, the human female projected a definite allure. And right now the alien’s telepathic senses told him she was fighting blind panic.
Although he had subliminally encouraged her to rebel against the doctor, the Arkon’s powers were still weak. Spurred on by compassion she had freed him on her own. This surprised the alien. Homo Saps were notoriously subservient. It was most unusual for one of her kind to to physically attack a superior.
This bold female `Sorsha’ could be very useful. He would continue using her to gain his freedom. Then she would be left on the side of the road.
Wait - a rapidly dimming memory prodded his mind - Sorsha...that name so familiar...was there a Sorsha I loved once, long ago? Nay just a dream. An illusion brought on by the drugs Carter gave me.
She would have to be watched, carefully. Eventually the strong-willed human female would realize his subliminal influence over her. At that point she might not be so amenable. He would need to emit frequent doses of enhanced pheromones to inspire feelings of devotion to him and keep her submissive.
Fixed by the alien’s golden-black raptor gaze, Sorsha knew she was being judged. Studied for weakness. Still she could not look away from his piercing eyes.
The Arkon held a silencing finger to his sinfully enticing lips, then waved at the covered surveillance camera. Speak to me only with your thoughts. I can hear you. Now take my hand. He commanded, extending a trembling, long-fingered hand.