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OVERMIND (Fallen Drakon Empire Book 1) Page 4
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Sorsha gasped, wide-eyed. Stunned. But then she felt it too. The mesmerizing allure he projected was off the charts. Any moment now and someone was going to kneel and kiss Carter’s lab coat.
Repressing a Cheshire Cat smile Sorsha strode to the alien’s side. Time to claim her prize. Despite her fear of discovery, this was hilarious. All these tight-ass scientific types reduced to blind, worshipping sycophants.
Calling that miserable miscreant Carter - `Father’. Hah. Like they can’t help themselves. They don’t even know what they are saying. I’ve got to get Sava out of here before someone sees through his illusion.
“Come on `Dr. Carter’. Time to go home now.” As she took a possessive hold on the alien’s arm, Sorsha felt a bolt of warm, tingling energy zing through her body. Mine. My alien. She had to smile at herself. As if anyone could possess this creature. This unknown entity.
Grinning ear to ear, Sorsha and the now statuesque, divinely charismatic `Dr. Carter’ passed unopposed from the lobby out to the waiting commuter bus.
Once outside the lobby, the alien halted. Hands shoved into the pockets of his sky blue lab coat ‘Dr. Carter’ gratefully threw back his head, gazing up at stars twinkling in black velvet. Breathed deep the sweet smell of fresh air and Freedom.
There was this cosmic stillness about Him. At the same time He was constantly alert. Listening. Aware of every movement, every pin drop. His brain calculating where and how that pin dropped and how it might affect him.
After wishing Sorsha goodnight, the alien stepped off the curb, headed toward the parking lot. To all eyes `Dr. Carter’ disappeared into the darkness, ostensibly going to his car.
SAVA?! Sorsha called out telepathically, looking around, momentarily panicked.
In that moment it dawned on her the power the alien possessed. He was a chameleon. Capable of making people see whatever he wanted them to see. He could appear and disappear at will.
What could you do with that kind of power? He can project thoughts into people’s minds. Make them think they are acting of their own free will. Instead they are acting on HIS will. This alien is a master of illusion. Dr. Carter warned me against setting him loose on the world.
She had always thought herself independent. Strong-minded. All along she thought she was helping the alien of her own free will. That it had been all her idea.
As soon as we get away from The Center Sava won’t need me anymore… Does he plan to use me then leave me high and dry?
Sh-hh Don’t worry Sorsha. I’m here. Right behind you. His large warm hand pressed her lower back. I’m not leaving you...
Yet. She finished for him.
The alien was there, just behind her but subliminally cloaked from her conscious mind. She `saw’ him but her conscious mind simply passed over him, unseeing. And it was the same for everyone else. Consciously they did not see him at all.
Head turned to the side, she inhaled the alien’s rich fragrance. A thought wafted across her mind - Don’t worry. Enjoy this as long as it lasts.
Was that MY thought or - His? But a sudden buoyant upturn in mood along with a loss of coherent thought caused her to disregard her concerns. For now.
Chapter 13
As the commuter bus rumbled away from The Center, Sorsha and the Arkon walked down the vibrating aisle. They halted at the last seats on the right.
I’ll get in first. You sit on my lap. The alien mind-spoke to her.
Sit on your lap - for the whole 90 minute ride?
Either that or someone else might sit on my lap thinking the seat is empty. Which will it be?
Hey - if anyone’s gonna sit on your lap, it’s gonna be me.
That’s what I thought. He smiled, arrogantly playful.
Just get in there hot stuff. She huffed, repressing a smile.
The alien slid into the far window seat. Sorsha followed and sat on his oh so sensual lap. Releasing a deep sigh she leaned back to rest her head in the crook of his warm, pulsing neck.
Watch out. This could be the start of something big. He flexed slightly against her soft bottom.
Hmmhmm. Sorcha breathed deep. There was his fragrant spicy scent again. So calming yet embracing. Enticing.
The dry desert air was chilly. She spread her trench coat around her body to disguise the fact that she was sitting slightly elevated over the seat, then gazed out the window with blind, tense eyes. Sorsha fully expected to hear the sudden shriek of police sirens chasing the bus at any moment.
Relax. Breathe. Your fear will subliminally communicate to the other passengers. The alien mind spoke.
Then as if on cue, she inhaled the alien’s intoxicating scent again. It made her forget the fact that they were on the run. This bus was their blessed sanctuary and she could forget everything else but Him. For now.
I love the way you smell. Makes me want to tease you. Please you. She nuzzled his warm pulsing throat, her anxiety assuaged.
Taking advantage of this opportunity while it lasted, Sava relaxed, stretching his long legs as much as the narrow space would allow. Sliding his hands under Sorsha’s coat, he rested them on her warm quivering thighs. Ah-hh, so much better than being strapped to an exam table.
Sorsha shifted, nestling her soft bottom deeper into his needy groin. Is that a - bulge? Hmmm... She smiled to herself. This alien demigod - wants me?
How do you know I want you? That melted chocolate Voice growled, hips undulating softly in response.
Uh-oh. Lips tickling his ear she whispered - “I forgot you can hear my wicked thoughts.”
I like your `wicked thoughts’. That invasive Voice dripped sin as his eyes traced her lush, gleaming pink lips hovering so close to his... The air thickening, crackling...
Shutting his eyes against the human female’s rampant temptation, Sava leaned back against the headrest and released a deep sigh. It felt like forever since he had been able to relax like this. Unaccountably his Drakon mother’s radiant face appeared in his mind’s eye. Where are you now Mother? Do you still live? Are you happy?
But there was no answer.
I am Arkon. Not Drakon. I live to serve the Middle Kingdom. The alien reminded himself.
As a boy Sava had undergone severe training and punishments until he learned to obey. Always to obey. Yet with Sorsha’s vibrant body on his lap sexing him up, her heart pulsing so close to his, Sava’s Drakon side emerged, impulsively longing to keep her close. To claim her.
But his dominant Arkon side slapped the impulse down. Relationships with Homo Saps are verboten. Don’t get attached to her. Emotions weaken the mind.
Already Sava was breaking Arkon diktats by sharing some of his intimate thoughts with her. Years of strictly embedded code demanded that he use, then lose her.
With the chip removed from his brain, the alien’s mental powers were quickly strengthening. Focusing his mind, he visualized his father, General Bren. Then sent him a psychic message that he was alive and had escaped his captors, along with his general location. The general would send a cloaked spaceplane to pick him up at some remote spot. Maybe even tonight.
At the same time Sava felt torn for not telling Sorsha of his intent to leave her. She deserved to know. She had already proved she would risk her life for him. A sharp arrow of guilt shot through his heart. I should help her in return.
But the Arkon Code was strict - `Anyone who aids a Homo Sap will be severely punished’. Homo Saps were servile cattle to be used, not befriended.
What concerned the alien most was this blissful state of mind he felt around Sorsha. Simply being with her was so natural. But such pleasure aroused feelings of attachment. He could not afford to become emotionally involved with her.
Emotions clouded logic. Weakened judgment. Intense feelings must be avoided at all costs.
But for now I am trapped with this sumptuously sexy woman on my lap. And she’s hot for me. A terrible state of affairs. He smiled to himself.
The female brimmed with joi de vivre and the alien absorbed he
r vital energy, rebuilding his depleted reserves. He cycled the precious life force back to her via enhanced endorphins in his fragrant scent while Sorsha squirmed on his lap, deliberately massaging his cock with her sensuous ass.
As a highly responsive being, starved for affectionate contact, Sava could barely repress the sensations exploding through his body like sprays of fountaining lava. A zillion tiny bubbles were zinging through his veins, his sensual core throbbing, hardening as her soft nubile presence rubbed against his groin.
He projected a low rasping command - Stop that.
Chapter 14
Stop what? Lips creased in a wicked smile, Sorsha was unrelenting in her sensuous torment of the Arkon’s loins.
Don’t play innocent. You know exactly what you are doing.
Hah - Can you blame me? You exude sex appeal. And I have you right where I want you. It’s fun making the high Arkon lord suffer from unrequited lust.
A titillating fantasy appeared in Sorsha’s mind - she could actually feel the warm, smooth slide and press of his golden skin as he undulated over her, his lush mouth kissing, licking...And she knew who put the illusion in her brain.
Little Homo Sap you are playing with fire. I have the libido of a stallion. The alien’s invasive Voice announced in stentorian tones.
Ahh, my poor frustrated little stud muffin. She squirmed some more, grinding her nubile ass over his bulge. So what are you gonna do about it?
Don’t tempt me. Keep it up and I might pull your pants down and impale you right here. Is that what you want?
You wouldn’t DARE. She covered her mouth in pretend shock. My God, PEOPLE would see - call the men in white coats - Come get the crazy woman jumping up and down on the bus! Another Center has employee snapped.
Then the alien unaccountably reached up and pulled down the bus window. A strong draft of chilly desert air blew in.
Hey - What are you doing? It’s co-old out there.
We need to get rid of your microchip. Open your purse.
She opened it. They both peered in.
That energy bar. Unwrap it. Push the chip into the bar, then give it to me.
Sorsha did as she was told.
We’re about to pass a truck coming the other way.
I don’t see any truck. She peered down the narrow two lane road.
You will. Get off my lap a minute. Stand up like you are stretching. I’m going to throw the energy bar into the truck bed.
Stretching his arm out the window, the alien waited for the exact moment. Here it comes.
Sorsha heard the roar of an approaching engine. Within seconds a Ford 150 roared past. As Lady Fortune would have it a shepherd dog, tongue hanging out, was riding in the truck bed. Snapping up the bar in midair, the dog chomped it down like manna from heaven.
Repressing a celebratory whoop, Sorsha resumed her seat on the alien’s sublime lap. Well done my clever Arkon! For that you deserve a reward. More lap dancing? Grinding her ass over his stiff bulge. Arousing my little stud muffin is the most fun I’ve had in well, since I used to ride my pony Ranger.
Your pony huh? You are mounted on an Arkon stallion. The alien rumbled silently as he emitted another whiff of dopamine for her pleasure.
DontcallmeaHomoSap!...She cuffed his shoulder, only to be hit by an exhilarating surge of dopamine bliss. On second thought - You can call me a Homo Sap anytime you want.
That’s more like it. My sassy little Homo Sap.
Sorsha had never felt so alive. Streaming with enhanced energy, she felt charged up, ready to tackle any challenge. Especially the prospect of seducing the charismatic Arkon.
“I want to kiss you...lick you...nip you all over.” She murmured into his warm, silky waiting ear. Savoring her attentions, the alien scrunched lower into his seat, taking her almost out of sight.
However one of the passengers was attracted by Sorsha’s low, lusty giggles. A fellow employee at The Center kept glancing back at her. Even though they rode the same bus every night, he had never paid her any attention before.
Now he rose and came sauntering down the aisle, all full of himself. She wants IT and I’m just the man to give it to her.
Uh-oh trouble. The alien’s warning rumbled in Sorsha’s head. Be careful what you say. DON’T lead him on.
“Hi - Sorsha right? I’m Matt. Mind if I sit with you?”
“No Sorry Matt, my boyfriend is with me.”
“Your boyfriend? Matt looked around confused. “Is he in the bathroom or something? I didn’t see anyone with you.”
“You can’t see him because my boyfriend is invisible. He’s an alien with magical powers.” Her eyes dancing, Sorsha fought to keep a straight face.
“An invisible alien? Working at The Center must be getting to you.” Matt smirked, sure she was putting him on.
“I’m serious. I’m sitting in his lap right now so we can ah, cuddle and kiss.”
Sorsha - What are you DOING?! That smooth invasive Voice warned.
“Cuddle huh?” Matt’s wry expression made no bones what he thought.
“That’s right and my boyfriend gets very jealous. So you better move along Matt ‘cause you are disturbing our delicious tete a’ tete here.”
Sh-hh! You are going against a direct order. Keep that up and I will be forced to punish you. That resonant Voice in her head threatened.
Chapter 15
“Hmph.” - Matt shook his head, insulted at being turned down for an `invisible alien’.
“Sorry Matt. Some other time. Maybe.” Sorsha expelled a relieved breath when Matt finally turned away and strode back down the aisle.
Reckless. Utterly reckless. The Voice hissed. This is no GAME. You could have gotten us both caught. Next time do as I say. Unless you want to be left by the side of the road.
But it worked didn’t it? A smile slunk across Sorsha’s face.
You don’t get it. The alien’s Voice growled. That man will be interrogated. Intensely. Everyone on this bus will be interrogated over my disappearance. They know you helped me escape. You may have fooled `Matt’ but your little game won’t fool Carter.
I had to get rid of him didn’t I? What should I have said? If I had let him sit here he would have tried to paw me and felt you. He would have noticed my ass is not touching this seat but is somehow magically suspended over it.
Don’t keep throwing broad hints around about your `alien boyfriend’. Your deliberate grinding of your butt over my dick is what attracted him in the first place. He scented your estrogen. Heard your subliminal erotic call.
So...What are you going to do about it - Hmmm? She taunted, squirming over the hard bulge in his pants.
Aghhh… You should be disciplined. The alien groaned silently.
What kind of... `discipline’? Her voice a naughty purr. She couldn’t resist luring him on. He was at her sensual mercy. Knowing he was commando under Dr. Carter’s slacks just added to the titillation.
You need - a good hard spanking.
Ooh, a gorgeous golden alien with kink. Just what the Love Doctor ordered. Sorsha mentally purred, grinding her succulent rear over Sava’s pulsating groin.
You have no idea. She heard the wicked smile in his Voice.
She was igniting him, rejuvenating his Strigoi powers with her vibrant sexual energy. Making the alien stronger by the moment. And the intoxicating scent he exuded activated reward centers in her brain, taking her higher. Emboldening her. Making her crave him more.
I wish we could spend the night together. Sorsha had read the cold calculating look in the alien’s bronze eyes when he thought she wasn’t aware. Are you planning to leave me Sava?
The Arkon’s profound silence spoke louder than words.
Already the thought of losing him thrust a paralyzing spear of loss through her heart. Hence Sorsha fell back on the time-honored feminine tactic of arousing his lust. Of spinning invisible filaments, a spider’s web of desire intended to bind him to her body. Make him crave her feminine essence. Or so she h
Stop trying to lure me into your web. We have to split up Sorsha. It’s the only way. His firm rejection came like a death knell.
But where will I go? The police will be on me like a pack of wolves on a wounded deer. I will be interrogated, maybe tortured. Thrown into prison as a `national security risk’. She sighed, pressing against his broad chest. My life is ruined.
The alien’s heart constricted with rare compassion. She’s right. I owe her a debt of honor. Life for a life. But where can we go? I can’t take her back to Middle Kingdom.
Please...don’t leave me Sava. Take me with you. Cuddled into his lap, Sorsha nuzzled the hollow in his warm pulsing throat.
I can’t do that Sorsha. Arkon society is very rigid. Our laws are strictly enforced. They won’t let me keep you.
`Keep me’? Like I’m some kind of PET?
More like a slave. Arkon authorities would put you in a cell block with the other female Homo Saps to work in the mines or be used for sex. When you were no longer useful you would be terminated, your vital organs harvested and sold on the Dark Web.
Okay Middle Kingdom is defi-fuckinately out then. Is `Homo Saps’ your Arkon slave name for humans?
Aye It’s our nickname for Homo Sapiens. We call you Homo Saps because you are naive and servile in nature. You believe all our lies. And we want to keep it that way. His resonant Voice brooked no argument.
Shutting his eyes against the image of this proud female turned into a beaten, cowering slave, the alien looked inward. The thought came to him -
That stargate Father brought me through, it’s here in Nevada, somewhere out in the desert. If I can find it, I could take Sorsha back to Drakonis. Start over with my mother’s people… A new life.
Chapter 16
Noting the far away, contemplative look in the alien’s eyes, Sorsha sensed he was weighing his options. A sliver of hope sprang up in her heart. Time to press her case.
So if I’m a primitive `Homo Sap’ preyed upon by alien `Arkons’ - What will it take to get me off this reservation? She mind-spoke.